Dear Sirs,
The recent coming into effect of the IMO's Ballast Water Management Convention in 2017 forces shipowners to make milestone decisions for the future of their fleet - total renewal or refurbishing existing vessels in order to keep them sailing.
At the same time this is a challenge and an opportunity. Using the necessary docking time to make the vessel sustainable, it is possible both to install the ballast water treatment system as well as an exhaust gas cleaning system in one move.
For sure adding a ballast water treatment system imposes a financial burden on the owner, whereas the installation of a SOx scrubber pays back due to the savings when bunkering normal HFO instead of MGO.
The SAACKE EGCS permits the operation both with the worldwide SOx limit of 0.5% and the even more stringent requirements inside ECAs of 0.1 % - no matter if the cap will finally come in 2020 or should be delayed to 2025.
Operating the EGCS with 0.5% SOx gives you benefit because it saves water and electrical power.
Give us a call or send us an email and we can easily give you an idea of the design, the investments costs and the payback period.
We are here to assist you and always available for a personal consultancy.
Yours truly,
Kai Grosse-Hellweg Andreas von Minden
Head of Sales Sales Director
Marine Systems Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems
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