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Dear Sirs,


Bunker HFO instead of LSMGO and navigate in Emission Control Areas in compliance with the IMO.  Significantly reduce your fuel costs by using a scrubber.  But what’s the whole amount for a complete system?  And when will the investment pay off? 


The SAACKE EGCS Configurator designs and calculates a system tailored to your ship.  Base your decision on substantiated calculations instead of a gut feeling.  We will gladly help you with anything needed, regardless if newbuildings or retrofits.


Request a customized quote today!

Just click here and enter the necessary technical information.


We are here to assist you and always available for a personal consultancy.


Best regards,


Kai Grosse-Hellweg          Andreas von Minden

Head of Sales                     Sales Director

Marine Systems                 Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems

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Request a quote for a customized solution!  

Just click here, complete the form, and we will give you a quote to custom-fit your vessel.




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