GreenOil clean oil


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Optimize Operation


Oil contamination causes up to 80% of machinery breakdowns.


Using a GreenOil system, water and particles will be removed from your oil, giving you quality oil filtration and a greener footprint in your daily operations.


Depending on the application, ROI on your GreenOil system will be <12 months.



Make the Switch Today


  • No oil preheating required.

  • No risk of water contamination.

  • No oil consumption.

  • No sludge production.

  • Equal or better oil efficiency and performance with less varnish content, soot and wear particles overall compared to separator.

  • Simple installation - by the crew.

  • Small system size.

  • Off-line - does not affect engine operation.

  • TBN kept higher for a longer time.

  • Significantly reduce operational costs.

  • Reduce CO2 emissions.

  • etc. etc.

GreenOil system      


Crew Time is Precious


No need for complicated centrifugal separator cleaning and overhauling; Greenoil filters can be replaced in a few minutes and run for thousands of engine operating hours.


No use of tools - no oil spill - no oil contact from crew.


Filter Elements      



*Not Only Engine Lubrication Oil


Find out more below; GreenOil filtration can also be used for propulsion, hydraulic cranes, stern tube, fuel oil, etc.


GreenOil Applications


 You can also find more about GreenOil Filtration Systems by clicking here.


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